

The Sustainability Cloud platform offers various modes to sign in to your TSC account, from the conventional method of signing in using only a password to the more secure method of signing in without using a password at all.

You can choose your preferred mode from the ones listed below:
  1. Sign in using only your password (conventional method) You can enter your username and your password to sign in to your TSC account. Although simple, this method is considered to be the least secure of all available methods.
  2. Sign in using an OTP instead of a password After you enter your username, instead of entering your password, you can enter the OTP that is sent to your email address or primary mobile number to sign in to your TSC account. Though this mode offers you the advantage of not needing to enter your password, it is also not as secure as the other modes we offer.
  3. Sign in with your third-party account credentials If you wish to create and sign in to your TSC account with your other non-TSC account credentials, you can make use of the federated sign-in option available in TSC. Federated sign-in allows you to sign in using other services like Google, LinkedIn, and so on.