Setup of Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures
To ensure that your emmisions accounting, water accounting etc are accurate and complete, the TSC platform enables you to provide information related to your Organization legal /reporting boundaries.
To understand what are Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures please refer
You must provide accurate details pertaining to each of the entities created. Based on the information provided the system automatically adjusts the emissions accounting for the Organization in either Scope 1 or Scope 2 or Scope 3.
Create Subsidiaries or Joint Ventures
The following steps are to be followed :
- Click on the Subsidiaries / Joint Ventures tab. Click Here
- Click on the Add Subsidiary / Joint Venture button.
- Provide details related to the entity as mentioned below:
- Subsidiary / Joint Venture Name - The user needs to specify the legal name of the entity according to the registered details.
- Operational Control : The organization or one of its subsidiaries has the authority to introduce
and implement its operating policies at the operation or not. Select Yes or No as appropriate.
- Financial Control : The organization has the
ability to direct the financial and operating policies of the operation with a view to gaining economic
benefits from its activities. Select Yes or No as appropriate.
- Equity Control : The share of economic risks and rewards in an operation is aligned with the company's percentage ownership of that operation. Equity share is normally same as the ownership percentage.
- Select the Type of the entity.
- Provide the address details for the entity.
- Registered address details of the subsidiary or joint venture.
- Country, State, City and Zipcode should be provided for the entity only.
- Press Create to add the entity.
Associating Subsidiary/JV TSC Account
When you create the Subsidiary or Joint venture, the main Organization becomes the Parent Organization for these entities.
If the newly created entity is already subscribed to The Sustainability Cloud, you can setup to automatically exchange data from the entity by associating with their TSC Account.
Please note the following:
- To associate you need to enter the Organization ID of the Subsidiary or the Joint Venture company that you have created.
- The Subsidiary or JV Admin needs to approve the association request.
- When the associate is approved, all the fields including Organization name gets automatically updated based on the details that have been captured in the TSC Account of the associated entity.
After approval of the request, your Organization will be reflected as a Parent Organization in TSC Admin™ of your Subsidiary or Joint Venture company.
Update Subsidiaries or Joint Ventures
Locate the entity to modify. The click on the Update menu in the three-dot menu.
The Subsidiary or the JV details are not user editable in case there is an existing association between the Organization with the TSC Account of the Subsidiary or JV.
- The Subsidiary ID or the JV ID is assigned by the system and cannot be updated.
- You can update only the Facility Name and Address.
- If you have already done an accounting
- The fields Country, State, City cannot be updated as these fields are internally mapping the regulations that apply to the facilities where transactions have already been recorded.
- You cannot change the Type of the entity.
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