Introduction to TSC Water

Introduction to TSC Water

What is TSC Water™ ?

The Sustainability Cloud Water (TSC Water is a cutting-edge water monitoring and management system. With the increased need by organizations to push Sustainability and Climate Action, TSC Water™  powered by Industry 4.0 technologies, provides a holistic solution for overseeing and optimizing your water footprint.

With TSC Water™, users can manage and optimize their water usage across various sources, including the following : 
  1. Municipal water sources including your utility water supply
  2. Groundwater including borewells
  3. Surface water extracted from any river or pond for industrial usage
  4. Rainwater harvesting
  5. Recycled water from your WTPS, ETPs or STPs
It enables comprehensive water accounting, gaining insights into the volume and distribution of water usage as well as water quality aspects. TSC Water™ empowers users to efficiently manage water footprints, fostering sustainable practices.

Why do Businesses need TSC Water™?

Based on the information provided, organizations need TSC Water for several key reasons:
  1. Water Footprint Management: TSC Water's ability to monitor and track water usage contributes to the management of a business's water footprint. This is crucial for companies aiming to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact.
  2. Real-time Monitoring of Essential Water Parameters: TSC Water TM allows businesses to monitor crucial water parameters in real time This immediate awareness enables proactive responses to critical conditions, helping prevent issues that could potentially lead to water contamination or resource integrity issues.
  3. Maintaining High Water Quality: TSC Water TM empowers the organization to maintain high water quality, ensuring that businesses can prevent contamination and safeguard the continuous integrity of water resources. This is critical for industries where water quality is a key factor in their processes.
  4. Operational Water EfficiencyStreamlined data management allows for efficient analysis, promoting quicker decision-making and improved operational processes. It enables you to identify areas of excess water consumption, enabling businesses to optimize resource usage, reduce wastage, and achieve cost savings.
  5. Identifying and Addressing Water Issues Efficiently: The system helps in identifying hotspots of leakages, areas of excessive water consumption, and potential sewer overflows. This targeted approach to resource optimization ensures that organizations can address issues efficiently and minimize waste.
  6. Global Regulatory Compliance Support: TSC Water TM supports compliance with regulatory standards across different geographies, including standards like CPCB, CGWA (India), DMR reporting (USA), MUMPS, CCR, and more. This helps organizations avoid penalties and reputational damage associated with non-compliance.
In summary, TSC Water™ offers a comprehensive solution for businesses and organizations, addressing critical aspects such as real-time monitoring, efficient water quality management, global regulatory compliance, and streamlined data collection and reporting. The system not only enables sustainable and responsible water resource management but also enhances operational efficiency and mitigates risks associated with non-compliance.

Benefits of TSC Water™

The benefits of TSC Water TM cover various aspects of water monitoring and compliance. 
  1. Central Sustainability Repository for all your water data - across all your water sources and consumption mix. Real time data driven by Industry 4.0 and IIoT technologies and powered by Big Data storage technologies to monitor at any scale.
  2. MIS system including visualizations, configurable dashboards and reporting. Automating report generation and submission workflows saves time and minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual processes, ensuring accurate and timely reporting
  3. Digitizing Compliance Management Processes: TSC Water TM helps organizations digitize compliance management processes, making data collection, management, and reporting more efficient. This digitization contributes to overall operational efficiency and reduces the risks associated with non-compliance. 
  4. IoT-powered Groundwater Monitoring: The system utilizes IoT technology for groundwater monitoring, providing real-time data. This empowers organizations to make informed decisions and optimize resource management based on up-to-date information.
  5. Financial Planning Support: The platform's penalty calculation features provide insights into the financial impact of non-compliance, aiding in budgeting and resource allocation.
  6. Data-driven decision-making: Access to comprehensive data insights supports informed strategic decisions, helping businesses align their water management practices with sustainability goals.
 In essence, TSC Water  offers a comprehensive and integrated solution for water monitoring, efficient data management, ensuring regulatory compliance,  and proactive maintenance, ultimately contributing to better resource utilization and financial planning.

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